Han's Freighter
Opening back hatch
2 side doors for pilots
Opening lid for Leia's Command Bridge
Top transforming runways
Front access door to Command Shuttle
4 Levels
Bottom mechanic's pit
Main hall hangar
Cargo bays
Bridge deck
Interior lights, light-up computer consoles
5 switches for 5 different lighting systems

V-wing in bay hanger.

V-Wing Airspeeder Transport
with 4 Detachable V-Wing Airspeeders & Command Shuttle
Outer Hull Transforming Outer Runway Ramps
Detailed squares have been glued to the ship. Mechanical detail added to the sides. Includes 4 guns. Top lid lifts off to reveal an inner play area.

R2 operating the TR-3B drones.

The TR-3Bs are assembled and ready for duty.
Top platform raised V-wing on repair dock, R2D2 in the drone control center.

Hanger main flood light to illuminate the V-wing inside bay.

TR-3B and Drone Functions

Astro Lift Storage Compartment

Front of freighter with shuttle removed and forklift in place for control and steering when the shuttle is absent.
ABS flat plastic, about the thickness of a nickel. The hull is 2 large sheets of ABS Plastic. The entire hull has been covered in tiny squares of ABS plastic. It's durable and the pieces will never lift.
A little core-plast for the computer consoles. A bit of sheet-polycarbonite.
Features of the V-Wing Airspeeders and the Carrier Ship

Transforming Merge Ship
The mighty V-wing Airspeeder transport separates into Han's Freighter, Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle, and Luke's Warp Wings.
It's a rebel command center, star ship repair shop and response unit. The transport hosts 4 V-wings, 3 TR-3B drones, and a Service Lift Jet. The vessel is a transforming space station. There are many interior details with movable objects for maximum playability.
Command Shuttle
Full interior, lights, moveable wings.

Command shuttle lit up.
Luke's Warp Wings
Full interior, lights, opening cockpit hatch.
It's like pod racer/ tie fighter / airspeeder. The engines are supposed to be space-time wave-rider propulsion drives.
lukes v wing airspeeder souped up with hanscfreighter warp wings to make sense of why luke left and hans freighter wingless..hans got the shuttle and the princess he dont care anything for luke

Clear acrylic plastic enhances the LED glow. The light spills into the bridge.

Concept Art
We start the project with detailed drawings:
Command Shuttle
V-Wing Airspeeder

4 V-Wing Airspeeders $600
Full individual exterior taggs, exshust marks, airbrished to the max opening cockpit hatch.transport passanger seat of 8.and rotating hangar mounts
wings detach on screws if needed

Single V-Wing Fighter $200
Same as above, but has lights in cockpit and thrusters poseable rudders and wings interchange for different modes.

Components of the V-Wing Airspeeders and the Carrier Ship
Elevator right side at top at command center.

The ladder hooks to the wall.

Ladder holding up alone.

The versatile ladder clips to all edges
City Mode
Components of Han's freighter, reassembled outside of the starship.
All pieces combined can be reassembled to create a city structure, versatile to your liking.

Working on prep work for video and our kid set these figures up for our viewing pleasure! (It's an insight into why making our toys fun is paramount.)

Windowed top door for the front part of the freighter, so when it's turned on its side for the command center wall.

This is the right wing on its' side, makes the command post door to the back of the shuttle.

Attached shuttle and top door to sides took 8 feet of table to display.
Showing the hull standing up on bay back doors.

Left side platform access.
'3PO up.
'3PO down, consoles light up.

V-Wing Modifier
Purchase a Single Tricked-Out V-Wing Airspeeder
The wings and guns are plug-and-play for multiple configurations.

The Model-A
Transport holds 4 V-Wing Airspeeders (7 Detachable Ships)
Transforms into:
Luke's Warp Wing
Han's Freighter
Command Shuttle
Spacestation City
Also includes:
4 V-Wings
Astro Lift
TR-3B configurates into 3 interchangable drones
70" long x 50" wide x 20" high
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