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Jabba's Sail Barge
Plain White Kit
$250 Deposit Will Get You Started

Full-feature Barge available Jabba's Sail Barge - Deluxe
Our customer Mooncricket started with our white barge.
Plain White Basic Hull
A complete basic barge for the hobby enthusiast
No paint, no features, but a good solid barge base for you to have fun creating your own ideas of interior furnishings and paint job to your own design. It has an engine cover for you to design pipes and thrusters, as modelers love to build.
Made of new ABS flat plastic, it's sturdy and durable, and the thickness of a nickel. Hand-crafted and one-of-a-kind.
Four feet long, 1 foot wide and approximately 3 feet tall.
$550 US + shipping, a $250 deposit will get you started.
Standard Barge Jabba's Sail Barge - Standard

Note: There are extra doors on this Barge, as well as a couple other differences.
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