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Basic Barge
$220 deposit if you want to do payments
The picture to the right is of our Deluxe Barge, with all the features. See the photo below for our Basic Barge.

Bounty Hunter Ghost Barge
Welcome Star Wars Fans. We have a Boba Fett Slave One Colored Barge for Bounty Hunters resurrected from the Sarlacc Pit, where Luke Skywalker destroyed it. Deluxe version has a hidden room, ramp, stairs, runways, doors, and canopy opening.

apply for both versions
Pricing Breakdown for Barge
Our Basic version is $440/$220 deposit to start. The Basic Barge is pictured above. The features listed below are from the Deluxe version $880/$440 deposit to start, and all features you can add to basic version separately. $40 each feature to add onto the Basic version purchase.
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